Publication Number | Publication reference |
168. | Botos, I., Segal, D.M., Davies, D.R. The Structural Biology of Toll-Like Receptors. Structure 19: 447-459, 2011. Review. |
167. | Wang, Y., Liu, L., Davies, D.R., Segal, D.M. Dimerization of Toll-like Receptor 3 (TLR3) is required for Ligand binding. J. Biol. Chem. 285: 36836-36846, 2010. |
166. | Fitzkee, N.C., Masse, J.E., Shen, Y., Davies, D.R., Bax, A. Solution Conformation and Dynamics of the HIV-1 Integrase Core Domain. J. Biol Chem, 285: 18072-18084, 2010. |
165. | Li, M., Chen, C.Q., Davies, D.R., Chiu, T.K. An Induced-fit Mechanism for Prolyl Endopeptidase. J.Biol.Chem. 285: 21487-495, 2010. |
164. | Botos, I., Liu, L., Wang, Y., Segal, D.M., Davies, D.M. The Toll-like Receptor 3 signaling complex with dsRNA. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1789: 10667-674, September-October 2009. Review. Full text |
163. | Liu, L., Botos, I., Wang, Y., Leonard, J.N., Shiloach, J., Segal, D.M., Davies, D.R. Structural basis of Toll-like receptor 3 signaling with double-stranded RNA. Science, 320, 379-381, 2008. Abstract Full text |
Publication Number | Publication reference |
162. | Leonard J., Bell, J.K., Davies DR, and Segal D. The TLR3 signaling complex forms by cooperative receptor dimerization. PNAS 105, 258-63, 2007. |
161. | Kubelka, J., Chiu, T.K., Davies, D.R., Eaton, W.A., Hofrichter, J. Sub-microsecond Protein Folding. J Mol Biol 359, 546-553, 2006. |
160. | Chiu, T.K., Davies, D.R. Structure and Function of HIV-1 Integrase: An Update. Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry, 3: 3-22. 2006. |
159. | Bell, J.K., Askins, J., Hall, P.R., Davies, D.R., Segal. D.M. The dsRNA binding site of human Toll-like receptor 3. 2006 PNAS 103:8792-8797. |
158. | Bell, J.K., Botos, I., Hall, P.R., Askins, J., Shiloach, J., Davies, D.R., Segal. D.M. The molecular structure of the TLR3 extracellular domain. Journal of Endotoxin Research, Vol. 12, No. 6, 375-8. 2006. |
157. | Davies, D.R. A Quiet Life with Proteins. Ann. Rev. Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure. 34:1-20, 2005. |
156. | Chiu, T.K., Kubelka, J., Herbst-Irmer, R., Eaton, W.A., Hofrichter, J., Davies, D.R. High-resolution X-ray crystal structures of the villin headpiece subdomain, an ultrafast folding protein. PNAS, 102:7517-7522, 2005. |
155. | Bell JK, Botos I, Hall PR, Askins J, Shiloach J, Segal DM, Davies DR. The molecular structure of the Toll-like receptor 3 ligand-binding domain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(31):10976-10980. 2005 |
154. | Baxa U, Cheng N, Winkler DC, Chiu TK, Davies DR, Sharma D, Inouye H, Kirschner DA, Wickner RB, Steven AC. Filaments of the Ure2p prion protein have a cross-beta core structure. J Struct Biol. 150(2):170-179, 2005. |
153. | Cohen, G.H.,Silverton. E.W., Padlan, E., Dyda, F., Wibbenmeyer, J., Wilson, R.C., Davies, D.R. HyHEL-5/Lysozyme Structure: The role of waters in the antigen/antibody interface. Acta Crystallogr D 61:628-633, 2005. |
152. | Umland, T.C., Wolff, E.C., Davies, D.R. Structure of inhibited deoxyhyposine synthase: a swinging ball and chain opens the active site. J.Biol. Chem. 279:28697-28705, 2004. |
151. | Chiu, T., Davies, D.R. Structural Aspects of HIV Integrase. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 4: 671-686, 2004 . |
150. | Bell, J.K., Gregory E. D. Mullen, G.E.D., Leifer,C.A., Mazzoni,A., Davies, D.R., Segal, D.M. Leucine-Rich repeats and pathogen recognition in Toll-like receptors. Trends in Immunology. 24: 528-533, 2003. |
149. | Mullen,G.E.D., Kennedy, M.N., Visintin, A., Mazzoni, A., Leifer, C.A. , Davies, D.R., Segal, D.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA . 100:3919-3924, 2003. |
148. | Umland, T.C., Taylor, K.L., Rhee, S., Wickner R.B., Davies D.R. The Crystal Structure of the Nitrogen Regulation fragment of the Yeast Prion Protein Ure2p. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.98 (4):1459-1464, 2001. |
147. | Miles E.W., Fan, Y-X., Jhee, K. H., Ro, H-S., McPhie, P., Rhee, S., Davies, D.R. Structure and Function of Tryptophan Synthase. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and PQQ-dependent Proteins, A. Iriarte, H.M.Kagan and M. Martinez-Carrion, eds. Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland pp145-150, 2000. |
146. | Han, Z-J., Rhee S., Liu, K., Miles, H.T., Davies, D.R. Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of triple-helical DNA. Acta Cryst. D56: 104, 2000. |
145. | Miles, E.W., Davies D.R. On the Ancestry of Barrels. Science 289:1490, 2000. |
144. | Umland, T., Wei, S.Q., Craigie, R. and Davies D.R.,The structural basis of DNA binding by Barrier -to-autointegration factor, a host cell cofactor of retroviral integration. Biochemistry 39:9130-9138, 2000 |
143. | Rhee, S., Han, Z-j, Liu, K., Miles, H.T. and Davies D.R. Structure of a triple helical DNA with a triplex-duplex junction. Biochemistry 38: 16810-16815, 1999 |
142. | Goldgur, Y., Craigie, R., Cohen, G. H., Fujiwara, T., Yoshinaga, T., Fujishita, T., Sugimoto, H., Endo, T., Murai, H. and Davies, D.R. Structure of the HIV-1 integrase catalytic domain complexed with an inhibitor: A platform for antiviral drug design. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96: 13040-13043, 1999. |
141. | Davies D.R and Hickman, Application of Protein Engineering to Improve Crystal Qualities. International Tables for Macromolecular Crystallography, In press 1999. |
140. | Miles, E., Rhee, S. and Davies, D.R. The Molecular basis of channeling in multenzyme systems. J. Biol. Chem. Minireview, 274: 12193-6, 1999 |
139. | Rhee, Sangkee, Martin, Robert G., Rosner, Judah L., Davies, David R., A Novel DNA-Binding Motif of MarA: the First Structure for an AraC Family Transcriptional Activator... Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA , 95: 10413-10418, 1998. |
138. | Goldgur, Yehuda, Dyda, Fred, Hickman, Alison B., Jenkins, Timothy M., Craigie, Robert, and Davies, David R., Three additional structures of the core domain of HIV-1 integrase: An active site that binds magnesium...Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA . Vol. 95: 9150-9154, 1998. |
137. | Rhee, Sangkee, Miles, Edith W., Mozzarelli, Andrea, and Davies, David R., Cryo-crystallography and Microspectrophotometry of a Mutant ("D60N) Tryptophan Synthase "2$2 Complex Reveals Allosteric Roles of "Asp60Biochemistry vol. 37, no. 30: 10653-10659, 1998. |
136. | Rhee, Sangkee, Miles, Edith W., and Davies, David R., Cryo-crystallography of a True Substrate, Indole-3-Glycerol Phosphate, Bound to a Mutant... Journal of Biological Chemistry vol. 273, no. 15: 8553-8555, 1998. |
135. | Louis, John M., Dyda, Fred, Nashed, Nashaat T., Kimmel, Alan R. and Davies, David R.: Hydrophilic Peptides Derived from the Transframe Region of Gag-Pol Inhibit the HIV-1 Protease Biochemistry vol. 37, no.8: 2105-2110, 1998. |
134. | Hickman, A. & Davies, D.R. Principles of Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography. In Current Protocols in Protein Science, J.E. Coligan Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 17.3.1-17.3.15. |
133. | Liao, D.-I., Wolff, E., Park, M.H. and Davies, D.R. Crystal Structure of the NAD Complex of Human Deoxyhypusine Synthase: an Enzyme with a Ball and Chain Mechanism for Blocking the Active Site. Structure 6: 23-32, 1998. |
132. | Rhee, S., Parris, K.D., Hyde, C.C., Ahmed, S.A., Miles, E.W. & Davies, D.R. Crystal Structure of a mutant ($K87T) tryptophan synthase "2$2 complexwith ligands bound to the active sites of the "- and $- subunits reveal ligand induced conformational changes. Biochemistry 36: 7664-7680, 1997 |
131. | Li, M., Dyda, F., Benhar, I., Pastan, I. & Davies, D.R. Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Pseudomonas Exotoxin A complexed with a Nicotinamide adenine Dinucleotide Analog: Implications for the Activation Process and for ADP Ribosylation. Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA . 93: 6902-6906, 1996 |
130. | Liao, D.-I., Silverton,E.,Seok, Y.-J., Lee, B.R., Peterkofsky, A. & Davies, D.R. The First Step in Sugar Transport: Crystal Structure of the Amino terminal Domain of Enzyme I of the E. coli PEP: Sugar Phosphotransferase System and a Model of the Phosphotranferase Complex with Hpr. Structure 4:861-872, 1996. |
129. | Rhee, S., Parris, K.D., Ahmed, S.A., Miles, E.W. & Davies, D.R.: Exchange of K+ or Cs+ for Na+ induces local and long-range changes in the three-dimensional structure of the tryptophan synthase "2$2 complex. Biochemistry 35:4211-4221, 1996. |
128. | Rice, P., Craigie, R.A. & Davies, D.R.: Retroviral Integrases and their Cousins. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 6:76-83, 1996. |
127. | Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: Interaction of Protein Antigens with Antibodies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:7-12, 1996. |
126. | Cohen, G.H., Sheriff, S. & Davies, D.R.: The Refined Structure of the Monoclonal Antibody HyHEL-5 with its Antigen Hen Egg White Lysozyme. Acta Cryst. D 1995 |
125. | Li, M., Dyda, F., Benhar, I., Pastan, I., Davies, D.R.: The Crystal Structure of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Exotoxin Domain III with Nicotinamide and AMP: Conformational Differences with the Intact Exotoxin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92:9308-9312, 1995. |
124. | Chacko, S., Silverton, E.W., Kam-morgan, L., Smith-Gill, S., Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: Structure of an Antibody-Lysozyme Complex: Effect of a Conservative Mutation: Journal of Molecular Biology, 245: 261-274, 1995. |
123. | Jenkins, T.M., Hickman, A.B., Dyda, F., Ghirlando, R., Davies, D.R. & Craigie, R.A.:Catalytic Domain of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Integrase: Identification of a Soluble Mutant by Systematic Replacementr of Hydrophobic Residues. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 92: 6057-6061, 1995 |
122. | Daopin, S., & Davies, D.R.: The Cystine Knot Growth Factor Superfamily. Ann. Rev. Biochem. and Biomolecular Structure, 24:269-291 1995 |
121. | Davies, D.R. & Wlodawer, A.: Cytokines and their Receptor Complexes. FASEB J., 9:50-56, 1995. |
120. | Dyda, F., Hickman, A., Jenkins, T., Engelman, A., Craigie, R. & Davies, D.R.: Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of HIV-1 Integrase reveals Similarity with other Polynucleotidyl Transferases. Science 266: 1981-1986, 1994. |
119. | Qian, S.W., Burmeister, J.K., Sun, P.D, Huang, A., Ohlsen, D.J. Suardet, L., Flanders, K.C., Davies, D.R., Roberts, A.B. & Sporn, M.B.: Characterization of Mutated Transforming Growth Factor-$s which Possess Unique Biological Properties. Biochemistry, 33:12298-12304, 1994 |
118. | Daopin, S., Schlunegger, M.P., Grutter, M.G. & Davies, D.R.: Comparison of Two Crystal Structures of TGF-beta2:the Accuracy of Refined Protein Structures. Acta Cryst., D50:85-92, 1994. |
117. | Chacko, S. & Davies, D.R.: Antibody Structure. Accounts of Chemical Research, 26:421-427, 1993. |
116. | Daopin, S., Li, M. & Davies, D.R.: Crystal Structure of TGF-beta2 Refined at 1.8 Angstroms Resolution. Proteins: Structure, Function & Genetics, 17:176-192, 1993. |
115. | Daopin, S., Cohen, G.H., & Davies, D.R.: Structural Similarity Between Transforming Growth Factor-beta2 and Nerve Growth Factor. Science Vol. 258, pp. 1160-1162, 1992. |
114. | Shaanan, B., Gronenborn, A.M., Cohen, G.H., Gilliland, G.L., Veerapandian, B., Davies, D.R. & Clore, G.M.: Combining Experimental Information from Crystal and Solution Studies:Joint X-ray and NMR Refinement. Science 257:961-964, 1992. |
113. | Parris, K.D., Hoover, D.J. & Davies, D.R.: Synthesis and Crystallographic Analysis of Two Rhizopuspepsin Inhibitor Complexes. Biochemistry 31:8125-8141, 1992. |
112. | Davies, D.R. & Padlan, E. A.: Twisting into Shape. Current Biology, 2:254-256, 1992. |
111. | Daopin S., Piez, K.A., Ogawa, Y. & Davies, D.R.: Crystal Structure of Transforming Growth Factor-beta2:An Unusual Fold for the Superfamily. Science 257:369-373, 1992. |
110. | Suguna, K., Padlan, E.A., Bott, R., Boger, J., Parris, K.D., & Davies, D.R.: Structures of Complexes of Rhizopuspepsin with Pepstatin and Other Statine Containing Inhibitors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics. 13:195-205, 1992. |
109. | Parris, K.D., Davies, D.R., Chen, Z., Tang, J. & Dunn, B.M.: Structure-Activity and X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis of Potent Inhibitors of Rhizopuspepsin:Design, Kinetics and Active Site Modeling of Synthetic Peptidyl Substrate/Inhibitor Templates. Biochem and Mol Biol, 1992. |
108. | Suguna, K., Padlan, E.A., Bott, R., Boger, J. & Davies, D.R.: Structures of Complexes of Pepstatin and Pepstatin-Like Inhibitors with the Aspartic Proteinase from Rhizopus Chinensis. Proteins 13:195-205, 1992. |
107. | Parris, K.D., Hoover, D.J. & Davies, D.R.: Structure and Function of Aspartic Proteinases. Genetics, Structures and Mechanisms, Ben M. Dunn ed., Plenum Press, New York, pp 221-236, 1991. |
106. | Davies, D.R. & Padlan, E.A.: Antibody-Antigen Interactions. McGraw-Hill -Yearbook of Science and Technology. (McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New York) pp. 18-20, 1991. |
105. | Davies, D.R.: The Structure and Function of the Aspartic Proteinases. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Biophys. Chem. 19:189-215, 1990. |
104. | Davies, D.R., Padlan, E.A. & Sheriff, S.: Antibody-Antigen Complexes. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 59:439-473, 1990. |
103. | Chothia, C., Lesk, A.M., Tramontano, A., Levitt, M., Smith-Gill, S.J., Air, G., Sheriff, S., Padlan, E.A., Davies, D.R., Tulip, W.R., Colman, P.M., Spinelli, S., Alzari, P.M. & Poljak, R.J.: Conformations of Immunoglobulin Hypervariable Regions. Nature 342:877-883, 1989. |
102. | Sheriff, S., Padlan, E.A., Cohen, G.H., & Davies, D.R.: Molecular Replacement Structure Determination of Two Different Antibody:Antigen Complexes. Acta Crystallographica, 1989. |
101. | Davies, D.R., Sheriff, S., & Padlan, E.A.: A Comparative Study of Two Fab-Lysozyme Crystal Structures. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 54:233-238, 1989. |
100. | Davies, D.R., Padlan, E.A. & Sheriff, S.: The Comparative Structures of Two Lysozyme-Antilysozyme Complexes:In The Use of X-ray Crystallography in the Design of Anti-Viral Agents. (Laver, G.W. and Air, G.M., eds) (Academic Press, New York), 99-202, 1989. |
99. | Padlan, E.A., Silverton, E.W., Sheriff, S., Cohen, G.H., Smith-Gill, S.J., & Davies, D.R.: Structure of an Antibody-Antigen Complex:Crystal Structure of the HyHEL-10 Fab Lysozyme Complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 86:5938-5942, 1989. |
98. | Davies, D.R., Sheriff, S., Padlan, E.A., Silverton, E.W., Cohen, G.H., & Smith-Gill, S.J.: Three-Dimensional Structure of Two Fab Complexes with lysozyme. The Immune Response to Structurally Defined Proteins: The lysozyme Model (Smith-Gill, S.J. & Sercerz, E.E.) (Adenine Press, New York), pp. 125-132, 1989. |
97. | Jernigan, R., Davies, D.R. & Scheraga, H.: Experimental and Theoretical Protein Folding. J. of Biomed. Struct. & Dynamics: Vol. 6,6, 1989. |
96. | Davies, D.R., Sheriff, S., & Padlan, E.A.: Antibody-Antigen Complexes. J. Biol. Chem. 263:10541-10544, 1988. |
95. | Hyde, C.D., Padlan, E.A., Ahmed, S.A., Miles, E.W. & Davies, D.R.: Three-Dimensional Structure of the Tryptophan Synthase Multienzyme Complex from Salmonella Typhimurium. J. Biol. Chem. 263:17857-17871, 1988. |
94. | Sheriff, S., Silverton, E.W., Padlan, E.A., Cohen, G.H., Smith-Gill, S., Finzel, B., & Davies, D.R.: Antibody-Antigen Complexes:Three Dimensional Structure and Conformational Change. In Structure and Expression, Vol. I: from Proteins to Ribosomes (eds. R.H. Sarma and M.H. Sarma), Adenine Press, Albany, New York, pp. 49-53, 1988. |
93. | Sheriff, S., Padlan, E.A., Silverton, E.W., Smith-Gill, S.J. & Davies, D.R.: Three-Dimensional Structure for Two Crystal Forms of an Antibody-Antigen Complex, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 84:8075-8079, 1987. |
92. | Suguna, K., Padlan, E.A., Smith, C.W., Carlson, W.D. & Davies, D.R.: Binding of a Reduced Peptide Inhibitor to the Aspartic Proteinase from Rhizopus Chinensis: Implications for a Mechanism of Action. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 84:7009-7013, 1987. |
91. | Suguna, K., Bott, R.R., Padlan, E.A., Subramanian, E., Sheriff, S., Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: Structure and Refinement at 1.8 A, Resolution of the Aspartic Proteinase from Rhizopus Chinensis. J. Mol. Biol. 196:877-900, 1987. |
90. | Davies, D.R., Padlan, E.A. & Cohen, G.H.: Fab Assembly: An Analysis of Different CH1:CL Combinations: In Progress on Immunology VI, eds B. Cinader, R.G. Miller,pp. 145-149. (Academic Press, Orlando, FL), 1987. |
89. | Padlan, E.A., Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: Studies of the Tertiary and Quaternary Structure of Antibody Constant Domains. In Biological Organization: Macromolecular Interactions at High Resolution, Burnett, R.M. and Vogel, H.J., eds. (Academic Press, Orlando, FL), pp. 193-214, 1987. |
88. | Suh, S.W., Bhat, T.N. Navia, M.A., Cohen, G.H., Rao, D.N., Rudikoff, S. & Davies, D.R.: The Galactan-Binding Immunoglobulin Fab J539:An X-ray Diffraction Study at 2.6 A Resolution. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 1:74-80, 1986. |
87. | Satow, Y., Cohen, G.H., Padlan, E.A. & Davies, D.R.: The Phosphocholine Binding Immunoglobulin Fab McPC603:An X-ray Diffraction Study at 2.7 A. J. Mol. Biol., 190:593-604, 1986. |
86. | Padlan, E.A., & Davies, D.R.: A Model of the Fc of Immunoglobulin E. Mol. Immunol. 23:1063-1075, 1986. |
85. | Padlan, E.A., Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: Antibody Fab Assembly:The Interface Residues Between CH1 and CL. Mol. Immunol. 23:951-960, 1986. |
84. | Davies, D.R.: Antibody Combining Sites. In Current Communications. W.G. Laver & G.M. Air, eds. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, New York, pp. 82-84, 1985. |
83. | Ahmed, S.A. , Miles, E.W. & Davies, D.R.: Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Data of the Tryptophan Synthase "222 Complex from Salmonella Typhimurium. J. Biol. Chem. 260:3716-3718, 1985. |
82. | Davies, D.R., Bhat, T.N., Cohen, G.H. & Padlan, E.A.: Comparative Structures of Mouse Antibody Combining Sites. In Investigation and Exploitation of Antibody Combining Sites. Plenum Publishing Corp. Eds: Reid, E., Cook, G.M.W. and Morre, D.J. pp. 51-60, 1985. |
81. | Padlan, E.A., Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: On the specificity of Antibody-Antigen Interactions:Phosphocholine Binding to McPC603 and the Correlation of Three-Dimensional Structure and Sequence Data. Annales Institut Pasteur d'Immunologie, 136C, 271-276, 1985. |
80. | Silverton, E.W., Padlan, E.A., Davies, D.R., Smith-Gill, S. & Potter, M.: Crystalline Monoclonal Antibody Fabs Complexed to Hen Egg White Lysozyme. J. Mol. Biol. 180:761-765, 1984. |
79. | Davies, D.R.: Antibody Structure and Specificity. Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Rome, Italy . 55:249-261, 1984. |
78. | Bott, R.R. & Davies, D.R.: Pepstatin Binding to Rhizopus Chinensis. Eighth American Peptide Symposium, 1984. |
77. | Gilliland, G.L. & Davies, D.R.: Protein Crystallization:A Strategy for Growth of Single Crystals for X-ray Diffraction Studies. Methods in Enzymology 104:370-381, 1983. |
76. | Gilliland, G.L., Markham, G.D. & Davies, D.R.: S-Adenosylmethionine Synthetase from Escherichia Coli:Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Studies. J. Biol. Chem. 258:6963-6964, 1983. |
75. | Davies, D.R. & Metzger, H.: Structural Basis of Antibody Function. Ann. Rev. Immunol. 1.87-117, 1983. |
74. | Bott, R., Subramanian, E. & Davies, D.R.: The Three-Dimensional Structure of the Complex of the Rhizopus Chinensis Carboxyl Proteinase and Pepstatin at 2.5 A Resolution. Biochemistry 21:6959-6962, 1982. |
73. | Rudikoff, S., Satow, Y., Padlan, E., Davies, D.R. & Potter, M.: Kappa Chain Structure from a Crystallized Murine Fab':Role of Joining Segment in Hapten Binding. Mol. Immunol. 18:705-711, 1981. |
72. | Cohen, G.H., Silverton, E.W. & Davies, D.R.: Refined Crystal Structure of R-Chymotrypsin at 1.9 A Resolution:Comparison with other Pancreatic Serine Proteases. J. Mol. Biol. 148:449-479, 1981. |
71. | Davies, D.R.: Two DNA-Binding Proteins. Nature 290:736, 1981. |
70. | Klein, M., Haeffner-Cavaillon, N., Isenman, D.E., Rivat, C., Navia, M.A., Davies, D.R. & Dorrington, K.J.: Expression of Biological Effector Functions by Immunoglobulin G Molecules Lacking the Hinge Region. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 78:524-528, 1981. |
69. | Davies, D.R. & Zimmerman, S.B.: A New Twist for DNA. Nature 283:11-12, 1980. |
68. | Navia, M.A., Segal, D.M., Padlan, E.A., Davies, D.R., Rao, N., Rudikoff, S. & Potter, M.: Crystal Structure of Galactan-Binding Mouse Immunoglobulin J539 Fab at 4.5 A Resolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 76:4071-4074, 1979. |
67. | Potter, M., Mushinski, E.B., Rudikoff, S., Glaudemans, C.P.J., Padlan, E.A. & Davies, D.R.: Structural and Genetic Basis of Idiotypy in the Galactan Binding Myeloma Proteins. Ann. Immunol. 130C:263-271, 1979. |
66. | Zimmerman, S.B., Davies, D.R. & Navia, M.A.: An Ordered Single-Stranded Structure for Polyadenylic Acid in Denaturing Solvents:An X-ray Fiber Diffraction and Model Building Study. J. Mol. Biol. 116:317-330, 1977. |
65. | Subramanian, E., Liu, M., Sean, I.D.A. & Davies, D.R.: The Crystal Structure of an Acid Protease from Rhizopus Chinensis at 2.5 A Resolution. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 95, Acid Proteases Structure, Function and Biology. Tang, J., ed. Plenum Publishing, New York, pp. 33-41, 1977. |
64. | Silverton, E.W., Navia, M.A. & Davies, D.R.: Three-Dimensional Structure of an Intact Human Immunoglobulin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 74:5140-5144, 1977. |
63. | Subramanian, E., Swan, I.D.A., Liu, M., Davies, D.R., Jenkins, J.A., Tickle, I.J. & Blundell, T.L.: Homology Among Acid Proteases:Comparison of Crystal Structure 3 A Resolution of Acid Proteases from Rhizopus Chinensis and Endothia Parasitica. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 74:556-559, 1977. |
62. | Padlan, E.A., Davies, D.R., Pecht, I., Givol, D. & Wright, C.: Model Building Studies of Antigen-Binding Sites:The Hapten-Binding Site of MOPC-315. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium of Quantitative Biology, XLI:627-637, 1977. |
61. | Davies, D.R. & Padlan, E.A.: Correlations Between Antigen-Binding Specificity and the Three-Dimensional Structure of the Antibody Combining Sites. In Antibodies in Human Diagnosis and Therapy. Haber, E. & Krause, R.M., eds. Raven Press, New York, pp. 119-132, 1977. |
60. | Padlan, E.A., Davies, D.R., Rudikoff, S. & Potter, M.: Structural Basis for the Specificity of Phosphorylcholine-Binding Immunoglobulins. Immunochemistry 13:945-949, 1976. |
59. | Subramanian, E. Swan, I.D.A. & Davies, D.R.: The Crystal Structure at 5.5 A Resolution of an Acid-Protease from Rhizopus Chinensis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 68:875-880, 1976. |
58. | Richardson, J.S., Richardson, D.C., Thomas, K.A., Silverton, E.W. & Davies, D.R.: Similarity of Three-Dimensional Structure Between the Immunoglobulin Domain and the Copper, Zinc Superoxide Dismutase Subunit. J. Mol. Biol. 102:221-235, 1976. |
57. | Kabat, E.A., Padlan, E.A. & Davies, D.R.: Evolutionary and Structural Influences on Light Chain Constant (CL) Region of Human and Mouse Immunoglobulins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 72:2785-2788, 1975. |
56. | Labaw, L.W., Padlan, E.A., Segal, D.M. & Davies, D.R.: An EM Study of Phosphorylcholine-Binding Fab' Immunoglobulin Fragment Crystals. J. Ultrastruc. Res. 51:326-339, 1975. |
55. | Zimmerman, S.B., Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: X-ray Diffraction and Model-Building Study of Polyguanylic Acid and Polyinosinic Acid. J. Mol. Biol. 92:181-192, 1975. |
54. | Sasisekharan, V., Zimmerman, S.B. & Davies, D.R.: The Structure of Helical 5'-Guanosine Monophosphate. J. Mol. Biol. 92:171-179, 1975. |
53. | Padlan, E.A., Segal, D.M., Cohen, G.H., Davies, D.R., Rudikoff, S. & Potter, M.: Structure of a Phosphorylcholine-Binding Mouse Myeloma Fab. Transplantation Proceedings VII:219-222, 1975. |
52. | Padlan, E.A. & Davies, D.R.: Variability of Three-Dimensional Structure in Immunoglobulins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 72:819-823, 1975. |
51. | Davies, D.R., Padlan, E.A. & Segal, D.M.: Three-Dimensional Structure of Immunoglobulins. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 44:639-667, 1975. |
50. | Davies, D.R., Padlan, E.A. & Segal, D.M.: Immunoglobulin Structures at High Resolution. Contemporary Topics in Immunology, 4. Inman, G., ed. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 127-155, 1975. |
49. | Segal, D.M., Padlan, E.A., Cohen, G.H., Silverton, E.W., Davies, D.R., Rudikoff, S. & Potter, M.: The Structure of McPC603 Fab and Its Hapten Complex. Progress in Immunology, II Vol. 1. Brent, L. & Holborow, J., eds. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 93-102, 1974. |
48. | Segal, D.M., Padlan, E.A., Cohen, G.H., Rudikoff, S., Potter, M. & Davies, D.R.: The Three-Dimensional Structure of a Phosphorylcholine Binding Mouse Immunoglobulin Fab and the Nature of the Antigen Binding Site. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 71:4298-4302, 1974. |
47. | Padlan, E.A., Segal, D.M., Cohen, G.H., Davies, D.R., Rudikoff, S., Potter, M.: The Three-Dimensional Structure of the Antigen Binding Site of McPC603 Protein. The Immune System: Genes, Receptors, Signals. Sercarz, E., Williamson, A. & Fox, F. eds. Academic Press, New York, pp. 7-14, 1974. |
46. | Padlan, E.A., Segal, D.M., Spande, T.F., Davies, D.R., Rudikoff, S. & Potter, M.: Structure at 4.5 Resolution of a Phosphorylcholine Binding Fab. Nature New Biol. 245:165-167, 1973. |
45. | Davies, D.R.: Structural Features of Immunoglobulins as Determined by X-ray Diffraction. Specific Receptors of Antibodies, Antigens and Cells. Pressman, D., Tomasi, T., Grossberg, A. & Rose, N., eds. Karger and Basel, Switzerland , pp. 92-98, 1973. |
44. | Rudikoff, S., Potter, M., Segal, D.M., Padlan, E.A. & Davies, D.R.: Crystals of Phosphorylcholine-Binding Mouse Myeloma Fab' Fragments:Preparation and X-ray Analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 69:3692, 1972. |
43. | Taniuchi, H., Davies, D.R. & Anfinsen, C.B.: A Comparison of the X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Crystals of Reconstituted Nuclease-T and of Native Staphylococcal Nuclease. J. Biol. Biochem. 247:3362-3364, 1972. |
42. | Labaw, L.W. & Davies, D.R.: The Molecular Outline of Human IgG1 Immunoglobulin from an EM Study of Crystals. J. Ultrastruc. Res. 40:349-365, 1972. |
41. | Segal, D.M., Powers, J.C., Cohen, G.H., Davies, D.R. & Wilcox, P.E.: The Substrate Binding Site in Bovine Chymotrypsin AR:A Crystallographic Study Using Peptide Chloromethyl Ketones as Site Specific Inhibitors: Biochem. 10:3728-3737, 1971. |
40. | Sarma, V.R., Davies, D.R., Labaw, L.W., Silverton, E.W. & Terry W.D.: Crystal Structure of an Immunoglobulin Molecule by X-ray Diffraction and Electron Microscopy. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, No. XXXVI, pp. 413-419, 1971. |
39. | Segal, D.M., Cohen, G.H. & Davies, D.R.: The Stereochemistry of Substrate Binding to Chymotrypsin AR. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, No. XXXVI, pp. 85-90, 1971. |
38. | Davies, D.R., Sarma, V.R., Labaw, L.W., Silverton, E.W., & Terry, W.D.: Three Dimensional Structure of Immunoglobulins. Immunology, First International Congress of Immunology. Amos, B., ed. Academic Press, New York, pp. 25-32, 1971. |
37. | Davies, D.R., Sarma, V.R., Labaw, L.W., Silverton, E.W, Segal, D. & Terry, W.D.: X-ray Diffraction and Electron Microscope Studies on a Crystalline Human Immunoglobulin. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Symposium on Immunoglobulins, Vol. 190 pp. 122-129, 1971. |
36. | Labaw, L.W. & Davies, D.R.: An Electron Microscope Study of Human IgG1 Immunoglobulin Crystals. J. Biol. Chem. 246:3760-3762, 1971. |
35. | Sarma, V.R., Silverton, E.W., Davies, D.R. & Terry, W.D.: The Three Dimensional Structure at 6 A Resolution of a Human IgG1 Immunoglobulin Molecule. J. Biol. Chem. 246:3753-3759, 1971. |
34. | Davies, D.R., Segal, D.M.: Protein Crystallization:Micro Techniques Involving Vapor Diffusion. Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 22 Jakoby, W., ed. Academic Press, New York, pp. 266-269, 1971. |
33. | Davies, D.R. & Doctor, B.P.: tRNA Crystallization. Procedures in Nucleic Acid Research, Vol. II Cantoni, G. & Davies, D.R.(eds.) Harper and Row, New York, pp. 435-442, 1971. |
32. | Cantoni, G. & Davies, D.R.(eds.): Procedures in Nucleic Acid Research. Harper and Row, New York, 1971. |
31. | Cohen, G.H., Matthews, B.W. & Davies, D.R.: The Relation Between R and "-Chymotrypsin:II Direct Comparison of the Electron Densities at 5.5 A Resolution. Acta Cryst. B26:1062-1069, 1970. |
30. | Cohen, G.H., Silverton, E.W., Matthews, B.W., Braxton, H. & Davies, D.R.: Structure of R-Chymotrypsin at 5.5 A Resolution. J. Mol. Biol. 44:129-141, 1969. |
29. | Matthews, B.W., Cohen, G.H., Silverton, E.W., Braxton, H. & Davies, D.R.: Relation Between " and R-Chymotrypsin. J. Mol. Biol. 36:179-183, 1968. |
28. | Terry, W.D., Matthews, B.W. & Davies, D.R.: Crystallographic Studies of a Human Immunoglobulin. Nature 220:239-241, 1968. |
27. | Davies, D.R.: Symmetry of Helical Molecules. Jour de Chimie Physique, 1968. |
26. | Davies, D.R.: X-ray Diffraction Studies of Nucleic Acids. Chemistry 40:8-12, 1967. |
25. | Davies, D.R. & Felsenfeld, G.: The Structure of RNA. Pauling Festschrift, 1967. |
24. | Davies, D.R.: X-ray Analysis of Macromolecules. Annual Review of Biochem., Vol. 36, 1967. |
23. | Cantoni, G.L. & Davies, D.R. (eds.): Procedures in Nucleic Acid Research. Harper and Row, New York, 1966. |
22. | Neville, D.M., Jr. & Davies, D.R.: The Interaction of Acridine Dyes with DNA:An X-ray Diffraction and Optical Investigation. J. Mol. Biol. 17:57-74, 1966. |
21. | Davies, D.R.: X-ray Diffraction Studies in Polypeptide Conformations. Biophysics, Vol. 15,p. 191, 1965. |
20. | Davies, D.R.: A Correlation Between Amino Acid Composition and Protein Structure. J. Mol. Biol. 9:605, 1965. |
19. | Sigler, P.B., Skinner, H.C.W., Coulter, C.L., Kallos, J., Braxton, H. & Davies, D.R.: An Isomorphous Heavy Atom Substitution at the Active Site of Gamma-Chymotrypsin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 51:1146-1151, 1964. |
18. | Gellert, M. & Davies, D.R.: Organization of DNA in Bacteriophage T4. J. Mol. Biol. 8:341-347, 1964. |
17. | Davies, D.R.: The Structural Studies on Synthetic Polynucleotides. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Biochemistry, Moscow, 1961 Vol. 1: Biological Structure and Function at the Molecular Level. Pergamon Press, pp. 58-60, 1963. |
16. | Davies, D.R. & Baldwin, R.L.: X-ray Studies of Two Synthetic DNA Copolymers. J. Mol. Biol. 6:251-255, 1963. |
15. | Gellert, M., Lipsett, M.N. & Davies, D.R.: Helix Formation by Guanylic Acid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 48:2013-2018, 1962. |
14. | Sigler, P.B., Davies, D.R. & Miles, H.T.: A Displacement Reaction Between a Polynucleotide Helix and a Random Coil. J. Mol. Biol. 5:709-717, 1962. |
13. | Crick, F.H.C., Davies, D.R., Rich, A. & Watson, J.D.: The Molecular Structure of Polyadenylic Acid. J. Mol. Biol. 3:71-86, 1961. |
12. | Davies, D.R.: Polyinosinic Plus Polycytidylic Acid:A Crystalline Poly Nucleotide Complex. Nature 196:1030-1031, 1960. |
11. | Kendrew, J.C., Dickerson, R.E., Strandberg, B.E., Hart, R.G. & Davies, D.R.: Structure of Myoglobin. Nature 185:422-427, 1960. |
10. | Davies, D.R. & Rich, A.: Structure Factor Calculations for Some Helical Polypeptides. Acta Cryst. 12:97-101, 1959. |
9. | Davies, D.R. & Rich, A.: Helical Structure Between Polyinosinic Acid and Polycytidylic Acid. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 80:1003-1004, 1958 |
8. | Davies, D.R. & Corbridge, D.E.C.: The Structure of Sodium Triphosphate, Na5P3O10, Phase II. Acta Cryst. 11:315-319, 1958. |
7. | Felsenfeld, G., Davies, D.R. & Rich, A.: Formation of a Three-Stranded Polynucleotide Molecule. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 79:2023-2024, 1957. |
6. | Rich, A., Davies, D.R.: A New Two-Stranded Helical Structure: Polyadenylic Acid and Polyuridylic Acid. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 78:3548-3549, 1956. |
5. | Davies, D.R. & Pasternak, R.: A Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Succinamide. Acta Cryst. 9:334-340, 1956. |
4. | Davies, D.R. & Blum, J.J.: The Crystal Structure of Parabanic Acid. Acta Cryst. 8:129-136, 1955. |
3. | Rollett, J.S. & Davies, D.R.: The Calculation of Structure Factors for Centrosymmetric Monoclinic Systems with Anisotropic Atomic Vibration. Acta Cryst. 8:125-128, 1955. |
2. | Davies, D.R. & Blum, J.J.: The Crystal Structure of Parabanic Acid. Nature 173:993, 1954. |
1. | Davies, D.R. & Powell, H.M.: The Structure of Quinaldil. Nature 168:386-387, 1951. |
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